Wednesday, March 24, 2010


guts: How much courage does one need to pop a zit ? On a scale of one to ten. Answer undetermined.
junk: my group of friends and I have been planning a get-together for the third weekend in a row. Why is it so hard to meet up with each other ?!!? I just don't understand. It makes me sad and I'm sure others are sad about it, too.
blood: didn't write my econ midterm. final will equal 80%........ and when that time comes, my head will explode and bloody nerves will create an esophageal blockage. MMMmmm tasty.
spills: I've around 2GB of storage left on my laptop left. FML OTL THE APOCALYPSE HAS COME T^T

파란솜사탕을먹는여인이나타낫다. 뺏구싶다. 보라색솜사탕이더맛잇다. 보라색솜사탕을젤루조아한다.
디저트먹으러나갈까요 ?

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